Thursday, June 30, 2005

San Pedro

So the past two days have been unbelievable.

The Fiesta de San Pedro starts with a night of dancing, drinking and eating with various groups from the Tabacundo area starting around 7 and going until 4 in the morning.

Anyway, Stuart, the volunteer coordinator worked out a bunch of us hooking up with a group, the Tocadores del Sol.

After a week and a half of motorcycling back and forth between my host familys house and guitar practice, our traditional singing/dancing group was ready for the big night. Although Ill have to say that no one really bothers to tune their guitars with any degree of precision so it ends up being these phenomenal strong voices over a bit of dischord - not unlike serving a beautiful filet mignon over crumbled saltines - mmm. With trago and chicha in hand, we stumbled along the street singing the same song for 9 hours. Making tons of new drunk friends that will love us forever or at least until they sober up.

Many more details im leaving out but dont have time im afraid. Much love!

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