Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hut yo mouth

We had the day off so a bunch of kids got together and made for the beach. I'm not exactly sure about them for 3 reasons:

a) there are flies that hang out in the sand so if you lay directly on the sand for an extended period they crawl into you and lay eggs, which end up being these huge boils.

b) during my oral french placement exam, the one place the guy said should be completely forbidden was the beach.

c) most families will give a sketchy reaction if they know you're going to the beach, because that's where a bunch of folks sit around and smoke and hollar at women. It's also a bit Nak jom, which is a cultural expression I'll explain sometime.

Anyway, taking all of this into account, it's still the beach, and they have some of the best waves i've ever seen here. Too much to miss. I still didn't swim this time since I wanted to check it out first, but I can tell it's a good group since lots of folks wanted to drag me in.

The only down side to going out ended up being the taxi ride home. Everyone but me was getting out at once, but I live in a different neighborhood so we negotiated a price to my part of town. But once we were halfway there, the sleezemonster of a taxi driver decided that the ride was over. After a lengthy exchange, and after reminding him that we had an arrangement and that if he wanted to break the arrangement, then I would take my money. That helped to drive the point home, and me too eventually.

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