Saturday, July 22, 2006

I wanted to sleep

Yesterday I went out to visit Stuart at the funcacion and had a really great time. We went out to Otovalo to drop off some volunteers that were going to their host families for the first time, and got to shop around a bit. That night we cooked up a big curry with fresh bread and the Ecuadorian staple - pilsner. After eating, drinking and talking for hours we hit the hay, only to be stirred from sleep with haunting noises coming from the ceiling.

The fundacion hosts volunteers, but it's got a pretty big campus so they host groups too. This week it's an Ecuadorian brand of Buddhists on a retreat from the outside world. At 4 they ring a bell and walk silently to a roped off area where they spend all day looking at the ground. This goes until nightfall when they file back in to the dorms which are located directly above Stuart's spare bed - where I was sleeping. So when 4 came around this morning, they decided that it was critical to get a real jump start on the day with some heavy furniture moving, ram horn blowing and dropping of large objects. I mean, who can blame them, buddha said lots of wise stuff so who's to say he can't be credited with "nothing says good morning like a toot of the ol horn?" I had just gotten back to sleep when it was time for round two at 7. Rinse and repeat?

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