Saturday, April 05, 2008

Rickshaw with a view

I haven't had much cause to go out beyond riding along to visit hospitals since I've been with AIC.

But when I do, it's always a treat. And that's mostly because rickshaws are fantastic.

These go karts get people around with remarkable efficiency - if not breathtakingly risky cornering. Riding in these things brings to mind the Seinfeld routine about taxis in new york. You could be up on two wheels, cutting people off and hitting pedestrians, but since you're in the back seat, it all seems perfectly safe. "Hm, wouldn't do that in my car."

Some friends from home are talking about participating in the rickshaw race that happens every january here from the south of india all the way to the north, which of course culminates in a cricket match.

Anyway, there's some photos up on flickr from a recent trip on the rickshaw. I've also included a video below with what it looks like to ride in one and a song I wrote that keeps running through my head when riding...

1 comment:

Maica Kozak said...

Thanks for the song and the stories. Glad to see you are well.