Saturday, June 11, 2005

what a day in peru

so i had an amazing day today in lima. i got up first thing and had a really rich discussion about food and its transgenic stepchildren with a peruvian canadian transplant, a french peruvian transplant and a quebecois couple on holiday. it was a bit confusing at first as to what language would be the common demoninator but we decided on spanish. i just listened. todavia no soy demasiado vite a hablar espanol. from there i rode the bestest, most bootleg bus in the world. it was fantastic and there's so many of them. there's a guy that's paid to ride outside and yell at folks to come in, and the driver doesn't say anything. kinda like the guy that relies on the shrunken head in the 3rd Harry Potter story.from there i wandered a bunch trying to get oriented and not having any confidence in holding a map even a miniature one. but i was able to eventually find the museum of the inquisition. it was munchkin day so all the tour guides were taken, but i fit in nicely with one of the elementary groups. the kids were very curious about their new gigantic friend but we got along nicely and they helped a bit with translation.I had lunch first at a sketchy sandwich shop because i was worried about getting too cranky on my search for this vegetarian place. and then i had second lunch eventually once i found the joint. awesome food, concerned owner, kinda place i'd like to work/own if i lived here. it seemed pretty impossible to find a full meal anywhwere for more than $2 - even great local, organic food. if you could see the tears right now...from there i wandered a bunch more and rather than taking the hike to another museum since I was already a bit tired, I decided to follow the wisdom of my grandfather, the reverend charles r. williams. before the days of widespread airconditioning he'd go see a movie just for an airconditioned nap... so i saw about 1/4 of episode III of star wars for the 3rd time and in between grabbed some glorious shut-eye. again, very cheap. around $1.50 for a ticket.immediately following, it was time for dinner so i thought i'd head back to the vegetarian place when this really nice lady started talking to me. some creepy guy was with her so i was a bit sketched out but we went to a neutral meeting place for dinner and they open all drinks in front of you so no worries there. it turns out the guy was just sketchy because he's a hare krishna and the lady was nice because he had to leave early and insisted on her talking to me. he didn't leave of course without giving me patchouli incense and a lesson on happy living. we had a great time and made a munchkin beggar friend. his name is gorge. i've got pictures + video. and now i'm here. back at the hostel. i promise not to write lengthy stuff about every day, but I had a great time tonight and thought I'd get it all you all,

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